Hair Loss: What to Do When You are Shedding Too Much

Hair loss is a common condition that affects many people. Whether it’s due to genetics, hormones, or lifestyle choices, hair shedding can be distressing and impact your self-confidence.

But what should you do when you are losing more hair than usual? This article will explore the causes of excessive hair loss and provide helpful tips on how to address this issue. From seeking medical advice to making simple changes in your daily routine, there are plenty of solutions available for those struggling with unmanageable amounts of shedding.

Understand the Causes of Hair Loss


Hair loss can be a stressful and embarrassing experience for men and women alike, but understanding the causes of it is an important step towards regaining your confidence. The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary factors, meaning if someone in your family has experienced hair loss, you may be more likely to suffer from it as well.

Other potential causes include hormones; stress; certain medical conditions such as alopecia or thyroid disease; taking medications that list hair loss as a side effect; and even dieting or nutritional deficiencies. In addition to these physical reasons, there are also psychological factors that can contribute to hair loss, such as depression or anxiety disorders.

Knowing the root cause of your shedding can help you develop an effective treatment plan with your doctor or specialist.

Evaluate Your Diet and Lifestyle Habits

When it comes to addressing hair loss, evaluating your diet and lifestyle habits is an important first step. Hair requires certain nutrients to remain strong and healthy, which means that paying attention to what you are eating can help improve the condition of your hair.

Additionally, the way you live your life has a major effect on how much stress you experience – highly stressful lifestyles have been linked with increased rates of hair loss – so it’s essential to make sure that you are looking after yourself as best as possible. If necessary, look into whether any changes are necessary: for example, swapping out unhealthy snacks for healthier alternatives or finding different ways to manage daily stressors.

Doing this may not only help reduce levels of shedding but could also benefit other areas of your health too!

Seek Medical Advice and Treatment Options


When hair loss occurs, it is important to seek medical advice and treatment options. Your doctor can conduct tests to determine the cause of your shedding and offer advice on possible solutions.

Hair loss can often be treated with medication, lifestyle changes, or surgery. It is also critical to ensure that any underlying health conditions are addressed to prevent further hair thinning or balding.

Additionally, there are many over-the-counter products available that may help slow down the rate of shedding and stimulate new growth. Seeking professional advice will provide you with a tailored plan for managing your condition to effectively reduce further hair loss and restore confidence in your appearance.

Try Natural and Alternative Treatments

When facing hair loss, it can be incredibly difficult to know what your next steps should be. Fortunately, there are many natural and alternative treatments available that may help reduce shedding and promote healthy hair growth.

Herbal supplements such as saw palmetto, green tea extract, nettle root extract, and pumpkin seed oil have all been linked to reducing levels of DHT in the body which could potentially stimulate new hair growth. In addition to herbal remedies, acupuncture is another popular form of treatment for those experiencing excessive shedding due to its ability to increase blood flow through the scalp.

Other potential options include massaging the scalp with essential oils or using light therapy along with a specialized LED helmet for 20 minutes a day for 30 consecutive days. Whatever method you choose to go down when trying out these treatments make sure you do sufficient research first and always consult your doctor before starting any kind of regimen.



Hair loss can be a difficult condition to deal with and it is important to take action if you find yourself shedding too much. There are many options available to help manage hair loss, such as changing your diet, taking supplements or medications, and using specialized treatments like laser therapy.

Consulting with a dermatologist or trichologist is also recommended to determine the cause of the hair loss and develop an effective treatment plan for you. By seeking out proper medical advice and making lifestyle changes that may benefit your hair health, you can reduce the amount of hair being lost each day and improve the overall quality of your life.